WINTER SOLSTICE/NEW WINTER INTENTIONS AND MANIFESTATION RITUALS I am sending you so many blessing and love on this wonderful day! With the winter solstice we have officially gone past the longest night and the shortest day, so the days will be getting brighter from...
An energetic infection is spreading among energy workers around the world, which is making many starseeds and lightworkers fight amongst themselves. This is simply a strategy for darker energies to separate us from each other and from our own source energy....
Todays’ video is my three steps for how you can not only survive but thrive during this Corona virus pandemic. So the first thing I would say is this is an amazing opportunity to be reminded to take stock of your overall well-being – both your physical and your...
And in the light BIND THEM! To find out about all the 8 Steps to fulfilling your soul mission click here. To have a conversation with me about the Magical Mission Manifestation Session click button below: Schedule Appointment...
I recently released what felt like a 40-year block that was preventing me from speaking my truth. I was in a situation where somebody had blurred the boundaries between us. It was unclear as to what were the true intentions and boundaries in this situation and I...
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