Heidi’s Success Story: Sleeping Safely at night again, free from entity interference
"I have been working with Natasha on and off for about 18 months now on my energy and vitality, so I have already had quite a few sessions under my belt. I felt great 6 months after my initial 4-5 sessions (in 2021) at which point I realised those sessions had been...
Winter Sale! Check Out the Offers!
The Soul Mission Winter Sale is now on until 31st December! Check out this page for all the offers! Happy Holidays! x Natasha x
Spiritual Bypassing No More! Special Announcement for Customers
My Experience of the Matrix Unplugging Session, Removing Seals, Implants, Mind Programming
For more information about it and for me to unplug you go here: https://www.soulmission.uk/clear-soul-records-energetic-field/matrix-unplugging-removing-seals-implants-and-mind-programming/ x Natasha x
Matrix Unplugging, Removing Seals, Alien Implants and Mind Programming
For more information about the matrix unplugging session: https://www.soulmission.uk/clear-soul-records-energetic-field/matrix-unplugging-removing-seals-implants-and-mind-programming/
Did New Training in Advanced Entity Clearing! My Experience 3 Weeks After…
To contact me: https://www.soulmission.uk/contact/ To find out more about the 15 Dimensional Auric and Chakra Clearing: https://www.soulmission.uk/clear-soul-records-energetic-field/15-dimensional-chakra-and-aura-clearing-session/ x...
I QUIT! Update on JSeal Removal and Golden Strand DNA Activation
Amazing update after my healings. Taking inspired action! For more info about removing Jseals:...
New Service! Removing Negative Energies, Entities, Black Magic & Much More!
I am super excited to be releasing a new service - 15 Dimensional Aura and Chakra clearing especially for those people who feel like their cannot shake off bad energies, or feel they might have an entity/possession attachment to their aura or chakras. This performs...
Is Your Manifestation Hologram in Alignment to Fulfill Your Soul Mission?
I have released my free new video series about how to manifest your soul mission! Well this is to give you a sneaky peak into what that involves. I've included one of the videos from that series here today (see...
How to Prevent Entity Attachment Again
Is this You On a Regular Basis? Unable to Sleep for longer periods of time/unable to get a decent rest Thoughts looping round and round in your head, and it’s a struggle to snap out of it Pain in your head Exhaustion/chronic exhaustion...
How to Remove An Entity From Your Energy Field
Is this You On a Regular Basis? Unable to Sleep for longer periods of time/unable to get a decent rest Thoughts looping round and round in your head, and it’s a struggle to snap out of it Pain in your head Exhaustion/chronic exhaustion...
What Causes Entities to Attach To You
Is this You On a Regular Basis? Unable to Sleep for longer periods of time/unable to get a decent rest Thoughts looping round and round in your head, and it’s a struggle to snap out of it Pain in your head Exhaustion/chronic exhaustion...
Why It’s Important to Remove Entities Before Starting Therapy or Rehab
Is this You On a Regular Basis? Unable to Sleep for longer periods of time/unable to get a decent rest Thoughts looping round and round in your head, and it’s a struggle to snap out of it Pain in your head Exhaustion/chronic exhaustion...
What are the symptoms of an Entity attachment?
WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF AN ENTITY ATTACHMENT? Is this You On a Regular Basis? Unable to Sleep for longer periods of time/unable to get a decent rest Thoughts looping round and round in your head, and it’s a struggle to snap out of it Pain...
Golden Sun DNA Strand Activations
Here are a series of videos I shot after receiving my golden sun DNA activations. This activation activates the 12 base codes within each strand of DNA, there are at least 12 , or more if you are a Starseed. To find out more and receive your activation contact me. I...
Removed Jehovian-Annunaki Seals Which Surpress Spiritual Awakening
You have the template of a Divine Angelic Human Being, but you just don't know it! What scientists say is junk DNA is the really good stuff! You don't just have 2 strands of DNA, you have at least 12, or more if...
Distant womb blessing now available and at a discount for first 5 ladies
Hello! Happy springtime and well wishes for the new year! Typically I consider the start of the new year as being the time just after the first new moon in Spring which we had just this last Monday! And how nice for...
Spiritual explanation: why your immune system is being compromised by the shot
Will be discussing the thymus gland responsible for immunity and its spiritual meaning for your development as a soul. An alternative explanation, make up your own mind.
Why Are Your Relationships Not Working Out?
Just in time for Valentine's Day! This interview was conducted on December 2020 but I decided to release for Valentine's Day. If you are wondering why your relationships are not working out and what you can do about that...
The Two Things You Need to Be On Your Soul Mission 2021
Download free audio - Reconnect to Your Source Energy - Activation Successful Starseed Mission - Core Programme - 6-7 February 2021
Happy Winter Solstice, and Entering the Age of Aquarius!
WINTER SOLSTICE/NEW WINTER INTENTIONS AND MANIFESTATION RITUALS I am sending you so many blessing and love on this wonderful day! With the winter solstice we have officially gone past the longest night and the shortest day, so the days will be getting brighter from...
Why Just Doing Energy Clearing Work Undermines Your Starseed Soul Mission
To get the free activation track go here: www.soulmission.uk/activation.
Starseeds of the World, Don’t Fight, Unite!
An energetic infection is spreading among energy workers around the world, which is making many starseeds and lightworkers fight amongst themselves. This is simply a strategy for darker energies to separate us from each...
Reviewing Your Goals to Become Who You Are Meant to Be Is Part of Your Soul Mission
Hello Beautiful Soul! Happy Equinox! On this day of equal day and equal night we are the wonderful point of seasonal balance where we can ask ourselves the question - am I in balance and harmony with myself and my manifestation goals? A useful exercise at the changing...
How to Build Resilience and Bounce Back from Obstacles
Holy Fire Reiki 3 Upgrade, My Personal Experience!
Healthy Sense of Self Equals Healthy Sense of Own Source Energy
4 Things You Must Do to Be in Alignment with Your Soul Mission
4 Reasons You Are Not Manifesting Your Soul Mission Into Physical Reality
How I kicked my sugar addiction during lockdown
Building Resilience During the Corona Virus Pandemic and Lockdown
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp42UBOcubU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U4tqdzzNSo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9XzPWVkjCo
Three Lessons Learned From Lockdown I’m Taking Forward In Life
Real Conversation with Doctor on Frontline About Covid 19 virus
Discerning Truth from Fiction Regarding the Corona Virus
What My Higher Self Had to Say About the Corona Virus Pandemic
I created a series of of videos, of conversations I had with my Higher Self about the Corona Virus. What was the cause of it, the purpose behind it and some reasssurance about the situation, what to do to help yourself. I also explain how I receive this information...
Handling Food Shortages, What I Learned Living in the USSR
The Great Awakening Has Begun! 2020 Corona Virus Pandemic
How to Survive and Thrive In The Corona Virus Pandemic
Todays’ video is my three steps for how you can not only survive but thrive during this Corona virus pandemic. So the first thing I would say is this is an amazing opportunity to be reminded to take stock of your overall well-being - both...
The 8th Step to Manifesting Your Soul Mission
And in the light BIND THEM! To find out about all the 8 Steps to fulfilling your soul mission click here. To have a conversation with me about the Magical Mission Manifestation Session click button below:...
Who Do You Need to Be in Order to Take Action to Have the Result You Want?
BE + DO = HAVE INSPIRATION + ALIGNED ACTION = CREATION/MANIFESTATION Hello beautiful people! If you are looking to get into alignment with your soul mission, your life purpose to make your contribution to global change on this planet then I really love the Be Do Have...
Reconnect to Your Heart and Soul’s Desire for Magical Manifestation!
Happy New Year and Happy New Decade! How is January working out for you? Have you done what most people have done, made some resolutions, perhaps taken some action on these resolutions? Are you yearning to do or experience something different this year, compared to...
How To Overcome Your Fear of Speaking Your Truth and Asserting Your Boundaries
I recently released what felt like a 40-year block that was preventing me from speaking my truth. I was in a situation where somebody had blurred the boundaries between us. It was unclear as to what were the true intentions...
The Importance of Getting Grounded for Your Soul Mission
Today’s video is all about why it's important to get grounded for your soul mission. I've got four main reasons why that's important but first I want to explain what do I mean by being grounded. By being grounded I mean...
Why Embracing Your Menstrual Cycle is Key to Achieving Your Soul Mission (Spring Maiden)
Ladies, at best we may believe our menstrual cycle as just a part of our life, something that happens and is just a part of our bodily functions. At worst being aware of our menstrual cycle might be a source of pain, might...
Why Springtime Is The Best Time to Take Action On Your New Year’s Resolutions (Spring Maiden)
Typically we tend to set our New Year's resolutions on the 1st of January of every year. Now this really is a very arbitrary calendar date and it isn't really the best time to be taking action on your New Year's resolution and here's why....
Balance Your Life, Balance Your Soul Mission
Facebook Live - Balance your life, Balance your soul mission 23 September 2018
How to Fulfill Your Soul Mission
How to Fulfill Your Soul Mission Free Facebook Live September 12th 2018
Why Embodying the Enchantress Feminine Archetype is Important for Abundance
Ladies, how are you doing? Are you experiencing more of what you want in life? Are you working in that dream job, business, attracting new amazing people in your life or maybe experiencing abundant financial flow or health? Yes?...... No? The Scarcity Mindset Often...
Addictive Behaviour In Relationships? Ask for Help From Your Guardian Angels!
Good morning! Natasha here. You catch me right in my dressing gown but you are catching the real me. I wanted to share something beautiful and exciting that I've learnt and experienced recently. Do you find yourself in an addictive...
How to Know You Have Cleared Your Eclipse Trigger?
How to Know You Have Cleared Your (Eclipse) Trigger? I'll explain by using my own trigger as an example. On Wednesday 31st January lunar eclipse I had a flashback to my childhood sitting on my father's knee feeling alone,...
Feeling Rough During Eclipse Season? How to Move Through it and Blossom!
Many of us, including myself are going through a tough time releasing lots of negativity, karma and programming during this period between eclipses, not just on a planetary level but also personally. Especially anyone...
Sexual and Psychic Attack? Symptoms and Solutions….
Today's video is all about sexual and psychic attack, what what are the symptoms and Solutions. So recently I went to a psychic protection workshop which was really good and as always with these kind of introductory sessions...
Healing Crisis or Negative Energy Interference? How to tell…
I'm coming to you in Crone mode. For those of you who don't know what Crone mode it’s the phase of your menstruation cycle its when you are having your menstruation. Each phase has its own gifts so I wanted you for...
Cleared Mother’s Negative Energy On the January New Moon
I am super excited to be sharing this video with you to say it only took me 15 years but I cracked it! I released my mother's negative energy from my energy field! I'm here to share with you how I did that and how you can do...
How To Make and Keep New Year’s Resolutions In Line With Your Soul Mission
Late December and January is usually a period of reflection, have we achieved our soul mission, are we moving towards our goals or dreams? If we find things are not quite moving along as we would like, we make...