Run By a Level 3 Moon Mother

Full Moon Women’s Manifestation Circle

On the Full Moons between the Full Moon Worldwide Womb Blessings

Next Circle Monday 13th January 2025 7.30 – 9PM!

A sacred gathering of women to honour and celebrate the full moon, release personal baggage and complete intentions set on the New Moon (completing and receiving manifesting results). In ancient communities, this circle was used to call in the divine feminine, and as a way of grounding, centring, and receiving higher wisdom. A moon circle is a safe space, where women can enjoy being in sacred sisterhood, feel supported and witnessed. You will receive information and healing to manifest your goals and dreams in life. This circle takes place  in person – choose your option below. The format is the same for both types of circles.


When event is IN PERSON:

In Person 7.30-9 PM, Arrive 7.15 pm

Moon: 3 Ages Women’s Health Centre, 63 Chetwynd Road, London NW5 1BX


Nearest Tube: Tufnell Park


This Is for You if….

🌕 You want a safe space to be with other women

🌕 Complete, finish or release what intentions you set on the New Moon/Spring

🌕 Release emotions and let go of baggage, isolation, overthinking

🌕 Learn how to manifest in life and receive healing on manifesting blocks

🌕 Receive a Divine Feminine Group Energy Healing Transmission from a Moon Mother

What You Will Experience

🌕Sharing our intentions of what we wish to manifest with one another, and what personal issue we would like to receive spiritual energy healing on
🌕 Discussing the moon colours for this full moon
🌕 Do a full moon healing meditation on the issue you wish to explore
🌕 Afterwards, sharing experiences and closing of the circle
🌕 Information about deepening your feminine power journey

The Moon Ray Colours – Each Month They Are Different

“In the white light of the Full Moon lies all the colours of the rainbow softened by the feminine. In the Full Moon Meditation, we breathe in specific colours or Moon Rays into our womb energy centre to bring healing, and support and balance to our wombs, our female energies, to our cycles and to our changes in life.

At each Full Moon we have the opportunity to receive a beautiful, gentle and enfolding gift of female energy that supports our femininity. It is available for all who resonate with the meditation whatever their physical condition or age. And it also supports our awakening and transformations as we walk the annual path of Worldwide Womb Blessings.

Know that when we change the vibration of our womb, then the wombs of other women also change because all our wombs are connected. We walk this path not just for ourselves but for others as well.”

~ Miranda Grey

The Colour of this upcoming Full Moon Ray is TBC

The January 2025 Moon Rays: TBC

For all women:

For Cyclic Women:
For Menopause women:


Dates of Future Full Moon Healing & Manifestation Circles 2025

Monday 13th January – online

Friday 14th March – in person

Sunday 13th April – in person

Wednesday 11th June – in person

Thursday 10th July – in person

Sunday 7th September – in person

Wednesday 5th November – in person

No circle in December – break.

On the full moons in February, May, August, and October I run the World Wide Womb Blessing Full Moon Circle, which is only held 4 times per year. Here we go more indepth into each of the 4 feminine archetypes that women must have in balance to live life to the optimum. For more information about that go here.

To Book Your Place

Choose between Online or In Person option below.

Looking forward to connecting with you!

x Natasha x


Your Hostess – Priestess of the Rose – Natasha Bailey

Hello, I am a Level 3 Moon Mother (certified by Miranda Gray) and Priestess of the Rose guide and Feminine energy healer who is passionate about empowering women to step into their greatest purpose, alignment, and energy so that you can experience life to the fullest! I channel the Sacred Divine Feminine through me to you, to remind you that you are a representation of her on this planet, and to remember your juicy feminine power! I offer womb healings, blessings and female soul healings as well as menstrual and cyclical training to harness your cyclic nature for manifestation and power. For more information about what I offer check out my Reclaim Your Feminine Power Programme page.