world widewomb blessing 24 February 2024

World Wide Womb Blessing

And Dancing Women’s Circle London

Next One:

Monday 19th August  2024: 2 times:

Online: 12 Noon – 3 PM UK Time

In Person:  6 PM – 9 pm UK Time

If you’re ready to book Select and Click one of the time options from the Booking Buttons below then:

Step 1 – Select your timezone e.g. London

Step 2 – Click on date highlighted in bold and then continue

Step 3 – Fill in your details and pay! Credit/debit card/paypal accepted

Step 4 – Check email confirmation

What is the Worldwide Womb Blessing & Dancing Event?

An invitation…

The World Wide Womb Blessing is a global event held five times a year. Over 140,000 women across 150 countries around the World come together to do something extraordinary – to share love, light and healing, and to awaken the Sacred Feminine within themselves and within the World. The blessing is a global healing transmission of the Sacred Divine Feminine healing energy  by Moon Mothers. To all wonderful women everywhere, I would like to invite you to my local women’s circle here in London held in person and online on this day to receive the womb blessing.

This is an event where you will learn about harnessing the gifts and powers of your menstrual or moon (post menopausal) cycle to benefit you in daily life and for manifesting your goals. To be in tune with your cycle whether you have a womb or not/menstruating or not, is to be in tune with your TRUE FEMININE POWER!

“The Womb Blessing returns our female nature back to its sacredness and awakens and restores our female energies” (Miranda Gray). Relationships, upbringing, the stress and pressure of living in a masculine, modern world – all these things regularly disconnect us from awareness or our authentic female nature.

Because this energy is delivered to women as a group it taps into the collective feminine consciousness. You will experience individual benefits, and this is a taster session so if you wish to experience an individual personalised womb blessing for your specific energy please get in touch via this page.

The World Wide Womb Blessing – A Female Energy Awakening Attunement

The Worldwide Womb Blessing energy is a gift of Divine Feminine Love and Light. But it is not simply a parcel of energy that we are given – it is a process of ‘connection’ or ‘synchronisation’ to a beautiful energy which is always there for us to use. The English term for creating a connection to a specific vibration of energy is an ‘attunement’, and every Womb Blessing is an ‘attunement’. It can also mean a raising of your feminine vibration or frequency.


Benefits of Receiving the Womb Blessing

After we’ve received a personal Womb Blessing attunement or a Worldwide Womb Blessing (attunement) we can connect to this energy for our personal self-healing and for restoring our womb energy centre whenever we need it! The more attunements we receive, the more energy we experience.

Many women report the following symptoms after receiving a Womb blessing:

  • More comfortable painfree menstruation or more regular menstruation
  • Relief from peri menopausal or menopausal symptoms of mood swings, hot flushes and energy dips
  • Releasing past hurts or traumas from the womb area
  • Easing of gynaecological issues
  • Renewed libido
  • Easing of obstacles for conception/fertility
  • Detox effects, releasing toxins in the body
  • Ability to go more with the flow, flexibility in dealing with life’s challenges
  • Receiving more respectful, gentlemanly masculine attention
  • Embracing dormant female energies within, and calming down others that are overactive.
  • Feeling more feminine, and enjoying one’s womanliness
  • Improved ability to manifest and create what you desire for your life

How the Attunement Works on Your Energy

Each attunement works with your energy to raise your vibration in the following ways:
+ Releases old patterns of behaviour, feelings and thoughts based on a false feminine energy of fear, lack, dependence, disease.
+ Brings forward healthier patterns of behaviour that are more an authentic feminine energy of abundance, health, connection, interdependence.
+ Builds on the previous attunement to keep raising your frequency in layers, so attendance of all four events ( a full cycle) is highly recommended to maintain momentum in your personal growth, and build on previous energies.
+ Please note – follow up action to help yourself in your life is still required, relying solely on the attunement to change your life will not be enough, but it will be the energetic boost to assist you with making the next steps in life changes.

Each Event and Attunement Tracks Your Natural Life Coach and Inner Guide to Living Life – Your Menstrual or Moon Cycle

Attend each of the 4 archetype womb blessing events (all except the December one) to learn about and experience the gifts of each phase of your menstrual (if post menopausal, Moon) cycle.  At each event we focus on a particular phase of your menstrual/Moon cycle. Each phase has particular gifts to harness which I will teach you about. Get acquainted with the TRUE PURPOSE of your cycle – your very own personal life coach and guide to yourself and living life!

Therefore, I highly recommend you attend all four to get acquainted and track your full cycle. I recommend to attend all four in a year to explore each archetype, and incorporate her energy into your daily life! We will cover how to do that!

The four archetypes of the four phases of your cycle:

* Spring Maiden archetype – new beginnings, planning, fast action- taking, mental focus 

* Summer Mother Archetype – connecting and networking relationships, fertility, nurturing 

* Autumn Enchantress Archetype – creativity, magic, discernment, critical thinking, harvesting abundance

* Winter Crone/Wise Woman Archetype – completions, review and reflection, connection to spiritual insights

   (she holds the space for the remaining archetypes)

For dates of when each archetype will be celebrated at the next world wide womb blessing events please see dates of future events below.

Most people do not have balanced feminine archetypes which stunts their growth and success in life. We all need a balance of each of these 4 archetypes in order to fully step into our FEMININE POWER, to achieve our soul mission, our life purpose and to fuel our dreams and goals! For many people some or all of their archetypal feminine energies are dormant or wounded , creating delays, pain or lack of abundance in fulfilling your life purpose. The womb blessing events are an opportunity to activate and/or heal each of these archetypes. It doesn’t matter at what stage you join the events during the year, doesn’t have to be in order. Just come to all 4 event phases in the space of a year and you will receive information of the gifts, and what to do with them. And if you have done all four come again to experience them at a deeper level.

Who Is It For?

“The Womb Blessing is available to all women whether they currently have a womb or not, or have a cycle, or not. The Divine Feminine energy is for all of us. The only condition for the Blessing is that young girls must have had their first menstruation to receive the energy.

How Will You Receive the Blessing?

Register to attend the event 2 hours before each event so you can be added to the list to receive the blessing healing energy. Come to my event where we will meet in a women’s circle to receive the blessing. We receive this as an energy transmission (no touching) through a guided meditation as a group. We usually lie down to receive. Your email address is used to channel the energy to the correct destination – like a satellite navigation! You simply sit and intend to receive the transmission. As a Moon Mother I will be channelling the energy to you. I was initiated and trained by Miranda Gray, the Creator of the Womb Blessing.

Miranda Gray’s role as the ‘channel’ is as a facilitator, simply the centre of the web that connects all the women in the Blessing to the Divine Feminine vibration and to each other. In these connections we become channels for each other, and this means that more energy can pour through us into each other and into the Land and the World. The more women who join the family web, the more energy that flows through it to us all. This means that every woman has an important place in the Blessing.

The Astrology Behind This Particular Full Moon

The astrology behind this full moon also plays a role, placing a particular emphasis on a particular theme in life, which can be useful to bear in mind on the day.

Where a lunar eclipse coincides with the world wide womb blessing, the effects of the healing work within the event will affect you for 6 months!

Special Focus: The Autumn Enchantress Archetype, The Gift of the Pre Menstrual/Perimenopausal/Waning Moon Phase

In this World Wide Womb Blessing and Dancing event we will be focusing on the Archetype of the Autumn Enchantress, The Gift of the Pre Menstrual/Perimenopausal Phase. She is truly the ideal archetype for creativity, discernment, magic, wildness and reaping the rewards of the seeds we planted in spring and growth in summer to facilitate your goals for autumn. To prepare for her coming we will be doing the ‘Creating Abundance’ meditation as part of the event.

About the ‘Creating Abundance’ Meditation.

Connect with your female creative energies of abundance to create your dreams. At this time of first fruits and harvest we celebrate the power of abundance that lies in all of us, and in this meditation thousands of women around the world will help you to manifest your dreams. Before you do the meditation, take time to think of something that you wish to bring into your life. You can be specific about how you wish this abundance to manifest; for example, better health and well-being, more money or a new job, a loving relationship, help and support, a holiday, or something you would really love to have.

On Womb Blessing Day meditation it can be particularly powerful if you are in your pre-menstrual phase at the time of the ‘Creating Abundance’ meditation because you share the same energies as the Earth Mother.



I attended the Welcoming the Winter Menstrual Menopausal Crone Archetype online event – the Worldwide Womb Blessing on 09.10.2022

Natasha sent information and reminders in good time, together with recordings of the preparatory meditations, which were also available in pdf format. Lots of information was given about what to expect and how best to prepare for the event, which culminated in me getting the most out of the experience.

This particular event resonated with me as I am in the post-menopause phase of my life, but I specifically wanted to attend to support my niece who was attending for the first time. I have attended two previous in-person Womb Blessing events with Natasha. At these events I felt a sense of sisterhood and connectivity with those at the event, which was a new experience for me, having been raised in a masculine-strong household and in a masculine-dominated era.

At each event with Natasha, both in-person and online, I have learned about specific archetypes, seasons, cycles, energy and how these can affect and relate to women in their “non-linear lives”. I am learning more about connecting with my feminine energies. Each event has been time well spent on myself, giving me time to think about what tensions or issues I had been holding onto that I needed and wanted to release.

Working with Natasha was a gentle, interactive, compassionate and fun experience in what was quite a deeply transformational and healing session. Natasha is knowledgeable and holds space in a way that helps you feel trust enough to be as vulnerable as you want to be, or don’t want to be. Doing the online session was really good for me as I no longer live locally to Natasha, but I really did enjoy the in-person sessions for the collective energy felt and the connectivity that came with that and can recommend either for the positive outcomes gained from the whole experience.

During the meditations and womb blessing itself, I felt a deep and comfortable warmth in my abdomen/womb that gave way to a feeling of expansiveness in my pelvis. My breath more easily came from there then, instead of higher up my body. Having shoulder-breathed for such a long time, to feel such a release in my abdomen, was a positive response to the work we had done together.

If you experience issues with your periods, menopause, cycles, hormones, childbirth, childlessness, feminine balances etc (that convention medicine has not been able to help you resolve) working with Natasha and experiencing the energies of the World Wide Womb Blessing could help you on your journey of self-discovery, of clearing and of healing, in a safe and compassionate space.

Sammy Ramiz

Timetable for Online (12 noon) or in Person (6pm) Events

11:30 am/5.30pm – Arrive, registration, smudging, arranging womb bowls and picking cards. If you arrive before please wait to be let in.

12 noon/6.00 pm  – Doors close, we take our seats, introductions, information about the womb blessing, special focus meditation, healing bonds between sisters exercise.

– Dancing. Preparing and loosening the body to receive the healing womb attunement and meditations. Please wear loose clothing)

Around 1.30 pm/7.30pm – The Divine Feminine Healing Transmissions:

— Womb Blessing Meditation – 20 minute main womb blessing transmission. Set your intention of what you want to release, any blocks to manifesting your soul mission, your soul purpose.

_ Earth Yoni Meditation

– Sharing Meditation – connecting with all women around the world participating at the same time

– Archetypal Meditation (except for December event – Circle of Sisters Meditation)

– Special Healing Womb Energiser – 1 minute personal energy transmission from me to you to energise your womb with the archetypal energy, and assist with attracting what you wish to manifest in your life. You will not get this from the free online event.

Around 2.30pm/8.30pm – Sharing together experiences during healings and meditations. Eating some nourishing food.

3 pm/9 pm – Closing circle, centering and grounding. Additional information provided about Individual Womb Blessings and Healings, and Future Events with Soul Mission.

IN PERSON OR ONLINE ZOOM! Location and How to Attend in Confirmation Email

The event will be held twice on the day – once online over Zoom and later again in person at Moon: 3 Ages Women’s Health in Kentish Town, London NW5. Full details of the address and telephone contact details of how to get to the location will be automatically provided upon registration.

Nearest Stations: Tufnell Park underground/ 134 bus route. Approximately 10 minute walk from station/bus stop. Use two fingers to move the map below.

What do you need to bring with you to the event online or in person?

  • 2 small bowls
  • A tea candle
  • A small cushion to sit on
  • Blanket
  • Wear loose clothing with several layers. After dancing we will lie down for the meditation, so your body temperature will drop, please ensure you have an extra layer/blanket to cover yourself.
  • Sacred items, crystals, or pictures of loved ones to place on an alter
  • Any EXTRA items listed in your confirmation email when you register, especially for the individual archetypes
  • Your intentions of what you want to release and what you want to manifest
  • ZOOM/ONLINE ONLY: headphone with microphone and camera usually cost £5-10 each.

Tickets, Deadline to Book and Number of Places

Deadline and Number of Places

13 tickets online, 13 in person only so book early to avoid disappointment!


Early Bird ticket: £33

At least book by two hours before providing places remaining. Book earlier if you want to take advantage of early bird prices. If you book after this time you will not receive the womb blessing transmission but you can still attend the event. You will still benefit from the other activities and meditations.

After You Register

Once you register you will receive email confirmation from me with a list of items to bring. Check your spam folder and whitelist us in your email account. Whichever email you use to pay with is the email you will receive a confirmation response to. Additionally, you will be registered to Miranda Gray’s mailing list so that the womb blessing energy will be channeled to you. Therefore, you will also receive confirmation emails from us and her. The guided meditations will be sent beforehand from us and from her to assist you to prepare. These will also be read out to the group on the day. Enjoy!

We recommend you set intentions for what you want to let go of, and what you wish to manifest more of in life beforehand. Give this some thought and also try not to create a long list! Trust that whatever is most important to you is what you will ask to receive!

If You Are Not Sure You Can Attend

You can still receive the World Wide Womb Blessing from the privacy of your home for free on your own providing you register on my mentor’s website by 1 hour before the World Wide Womb Blessing, here is the link:

Registration Link To Receive Free World Wide Womb Blessing From Home

What Extra You Will Receive By Attending Circle:

* learn about incorporating the archetype into daily life

*receive the personal Womb Cauldron Energiser given from me to you which magnifies your ability to manifest – this can only be received at my event. These are advanced techniques that Moon Mothers Level 2 and 3 are able to provide.

*be in a supportive environment with other women

Therefore I recommend you attend the women’s circle I am holding.

Receiving World Wide Womb Blessing From Home For Free

If you cannot attend the online circle please register for free at the womb blessing website by 1 hour before using the link below, choosing the 6 am, 12 noon, 6pm or midnight  time option most suitable for you on the day. Please note you do not have to participate in the meditation at those exact times. You can ‘unpack’ the energetic parcel after the timeslot you picked at any time afterwards.

If you decide on the day that you wish to attend the women’s circle you can join by making a payment below. At least in that way you will receive the healing transmission and then you can change your mind to join in. However, because it’s a last minute booking we cannot guarantee that a place will be available, and you will pay the standard price instead of the Early Bird ticket.

Refunds and Cancellations

We do not offer refunds however you may sell/give your ticket to a friend. You will need to let us know before the event if you cannot make it by emailling me at least 1 hour before the event so your friend can be registered to receive the attunement. If you email us after, your friend will not receive the attunement, but she will still benefit from attending the event.

Dates of Future World Wide Womb Blessings

On Specific Full Moons in 2024 – The Cycle of Female Archetypes of Manifestation in the Feminine Cycle

Saturday 24th February – Welcoming the Maiden Energy of Spring & Renewal & Womb Renewal Meditation

Thursday 23rd May – Welcoming the Mother Energy of Summer and Fertility & Healing Our Sensuality Meditation

Monday 19th August – Welcoming the Enchantress Energy of Autumn And Magic & Creating Abundance Meditation

Thursday 17th October – Welcoming the Crone Archetype of Winter & Menstruation & Healing the Mother Ancestors Meditation



If you’re ready to book click on one of the Booking Buttons Below selecting right time for you then:

Step 1 – Select your timezone e.g. London

Step 2 – Click on date highlighted in bold and then continue

Step 3 – Fill in your details and pay! Credit/debit card/paypal accepted

Step 4 – Check email confirmation