In ancient beliefs, men were seen as sons of the Universal Feminine and their energies were validated, cherished and cared for by women. And in return, men supported their women as they danced the cycle of their nature, of the moon and of the stars, acting as guardians of female space and grounding their flowing and changing energies.
The Gift of Divine Feminine love for men
Everyone needs love; to know that they are enough, to feel happy, centred and strong within themselves. In The Gift, the Divine Feminine offers this to all men whatever their age.
Men are not able to receive the Womb Blessing, because the energy structure of men and women is different and most men are unable to connect through the Womb Blessing Meditation. In response to women’s desire to share the Divine Feminine energies with men, Level 2 Moon Mothers become a channel for The Gift, a high vibration of the Divine Feminine love and energy especially for men.
- The Gift validates, makes sacred and awakens men’s own authentic nature through the female energies.
- The Gift is Divine Feminine love, serenity, beauty and strength, offered to validate and confirm all levels of a man’s being.
- The Gift opens up a new way for men and women to create and grow in their relationships.
- The Gift gives men a connection to the Divine Feminine.
- The Gift helps men to heal the pain, fear and repression of authentic masculinity current in the world.
- The Gift helps women to help their partners, sons and family members to heal, to grow and to awaken to their true nature.
- The Gift helps men to honour the sacredness in their partner and for their partner to honour the sacredness within them.
It is wonderful to see couples receiving personal Gifts and Womb Blessings together as part of their spiritual relationship and expression of love.
Who can receive The Gift?
Men and boys can receive The Gift. There is no age limit, although it is not recommended for under 7 years old.
How Is the Gift Delivered to You?
It is delivered in-person and the Divine Feminine Energy channels through me to you, to acknowledge your Inner Divine Masculine. It is done one on one. You will be invited to sit in a chair, whilst I breathe on key energetic points in your energy field. You will be guided into receiving the energy through a meditation. You may feel a strong surge of loving energy move through you. After the attunement you will have time to relax, integrate, and share your experience.
After the Attunement
Over the next days and weeks you may feel emotions or thought patterns and behaviours come up to be released and transformed. You may find your relationship with the women around you changes, that you are able to be more present for them, and for yourself. I am available for a post attunement conversation to check in with where you are on your healing journey.
To Book Your Appointment
Click on my calender below, selecting the dates in bold which are available, then the time. You will then be taken to a payment page, after which you will receive an automated email confirmation of how to attend your session. I am based in Seven Sisters, north east London – 7 minute walk away from the underground station.