Soul Mission Energy Assessment –
Identifying Your Blocks to Your Soul Mission & Providing Solutions
Why Receive a Soul Mission Energy Assessment?
Often we do years and years of personal self development work as starseeds and lightworkers with multiple healers, therapists, shamans etc , but it can seem we don’t get very far, or very slowly. Or we cannot seem to move forward on our soul mission, or something keeps sabotaging the process. Most of the time this is due to factors outside of our control, that we are unaware of, and had we known sooner we could have done something about.
Also this can be due to the fact that most healers are not taught the advanced energy check systems or healing systems that I have had the privilege of testing out over the past 10 years myself personally. And I am humble enough to refer you on to someone if I believe I cannot help you rather than take your money and you not see results. It’s about YOU getting results for YOU! I can only hope that I can shorten the time with which you can find solutions to your every day issues and problems because I walked the path ahead of you, my friend.
So I’m here to reassure you that you are not broken, faulty or unloveable – you are a Divine Creator Being, who has simple forgotten that, due to the dense nature of living on this planet. Many veils have been placed upon us and much karma has been accrued over many lifetimes which can be released and transformed now. So what are you waiting for? Step into your best authentic true self by getting clear about your next steps!
How Is the Soul Mission Energy Assessment Conducted?
We meet live over Zoom where I :
- Ask you more in-depth questions about your situation, the background to your situation and what you have done to resolve the situation, including other treatments you may have received. This is to ensure I do not duplicate the work of any other healers unnecessarily. But this is also an opportunity to explain to you why other treatments may not have worked for you, what others may have missed out. Usually it’s because they haven’t done a holistic assessment on you and only worked on your spiritual energy field – or used techniques that just aren’t strong enough, because your situation has become so ingrained.
- Do a mini healing session on you so you can get a feel for what it is like to work with me.
- Take you through your 10 page Energy Assessment Report and explain your results, as well as take you through a list of solutions (treatments) that your Higher Self has recommended. I will also tell you if I cannot help you, or if I need additional treatments from a colleague of mine.
- You decide if you wish to work with me or not.
- Afterwards I send you your energy report to your email address.
What is Covered In Your Soul Mission Energy Assessment Report:
A 10 page PDF report of your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energy body including information about:
Spiritual Energy Field:
- The extent to which you are on your soul mission path
- How clear your auric field is – is it free from:
- entities, astral parasites, chips, implants, unhealthy cords, curses, black magic, negative alien interference, vows, open portals (common with psychosis) and much more
- Your % Soul Integration/Soul Loss (often as a result of trauma either in this or other lives)
- Karmic report – how much you have now; personally, ancestrally or galactically (if you are a starseed)
- If you are a starseed – what type of spiritual being you are – Whether you are a Indigo 1, 2, 3, Crystal or Rainbow Starseed
- Your starseed origins and your potential gifts
- Whether you have a Nephilim Soul attached to you
- Number of Divine DNA strands activated and how well they are expressing
- If you are ready for Chakra Unification and Unplugging from the Matrix system.
Mental/Emotional Body:
- How many negative programmes, self limiting beliefs you are holding that may be sabotaging your progress
- Mental patterns programmed from trauma in childhood.
- Your relationship atttachment style
- At what stage of psycho-social development you are at
- Unhealed unexpressed trapped emotions affecting your mood and health
Physical Body:
- General physical health and whether you need to take action on your health now
- Nervous system health (affects mental wellbeing and blocks psychic messages)
- A 1 paragraph summary of the root cause of your issue – when you book you will be asked to focus on something you wish to heal, otherwise just indicate general information needed.
- A list of healing treatments from the 8 Steps to Manifest Your Soul Mission alignment Method to help you move forward.
- The most important healing treatments have a link to view their description on my website
- How all this is blocking your manifesting abilities
- How to book sessions, if you are ready to invest in yourself!
How Long is the Assessment?
It’s 2 hours which includes a mini healing treatment and explanation of your energy report. We will start of by going more in depth into your situation, how long you have been struggling, and why. I prepare your report beforehand – this takes me an hour.
How I Create Your Energy Check Report
I use dowsing (muscle testing) whilst connecting to your Higher Self to complete your energy report. If you want more information on this watch the video below which explains more in depth.
Ready to Book Your Soul Mission Energy Assessment?
Otherwise, just go ahead and book your appointment below!